The Ensemble Operator

Welcome to the Ensemble Operator Documentation!

The Ensemble Operator is a Kubernetes Cluster Operator that you can install to your cluster to create and control ensembles of worklaods, and change them according to a user-specified algorithm. You can learn more via the links below.

Since an entity in an ensemble is typically more complex than a container, while we currently just support a Flux Operator MiniCluster, we could eventually support a larger set of notable Kubernetes abstractions, including Job, JobSet, and LeaderWorkersSet.

These seem like a well-scoped set to start. For JobSet, LeaderWorkerSet, and MiniCluster, the corresponding operator for each is required to be installed to your cluster to use them.

If you’d like to ask a question or contribute, please visit the repository on GitHub.

Last update: Apr 24, 2024