

Note that if you first want to create user-level settings, do:

$ flux-cloud config inituser

You should then edit the defaults in your settings.yml, either via directly editing the settings file, via the command line.

$ flux-cloud config get default_cloud
default_cloud                  google

$ flux-cloud config get google:project
google:project                 unset

$ flux-cloud config set google:project dinosaur
Updated google:project to be dinosaur

$ flux-cloud config get google:project
google:project                 dinosaur

Ensure your default cloud is set to the one you want!

$ flux-cloud config get default_cloud
default_cloud                 aws

$ flux-cloud config set default_cloud google
default_cloud                 google

We don’t discriminate or judge about clouds, we like them all! Also set your editor of choice, and then you can edit in it (it defaults to vim)

$ flux-cloud config get config_editor
config_editor                  vim
$ flux-cloud config edit

See the documentation about settings for more detail about what you can set, and defaults.


You can typically create an environment

$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate

You can install with no backends (defaults to just docker) or podman) or specific ones:

$ pip install flux-cloud

# All dependencies including testing
$ pip install flux-cloud[all]

or install from the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd flux-cloud
$ pip install .

To do a development install (from your local tree):

$ pip install -e .

This should place an executable, flux-cloud in your path along with cloud specific helper scripts. Note that since this is primarily a wrapper, we (in addition) require kubectl and gcloud to be on your path.

Last update: Sep 02, 2023