Operator Creation

These sections will walk through some of the steps that @vsoch took to create the controller using the operator-sdk, and challenges she faced.

1. Installation

First, install the operator-sdk for your platform. At the end of this procedure it should be on your path.

$ which operator-sdk

2. Start A Development Cluster

You can use minikube:

$ minikube start

# or for the first time
$ minikube start init

or Kind:

$ kind create cluster

3. Local Workspace

At this point, I made sure I was in this present working directory, and I created a new (v2) module and then “init” the operator:

$ mkdir metrics-operator
$ cd metrics-operator
$ go mod init converged-computing/metrics-operator
$ operator-sdk init --domain flux-framework.org --repo github.com/converged-computing/

Note that you don’t need to do this, obviously, if you are using the existing operator here!

4. Create Controller

Now let’s create a controller, and call it Flux (again, no need to do this if you are using the one here).

$ operator-sdk create api --version v1alpha1 --kind MetricSet --resource --controller

(say yes to create a resource and controller). Make sure to install all dependencies (I think this might not be necessary - I saw it happen when I ran the previous command).

$ go mod tidy
$ go mod vendor

And then I started working on the actual content of the files generated. For the above steps (for my first operator), I found the following resources really useful:

Last update: Nov 27, 2023